Scrap Door Snake

More uses for my great-aunt’s quilt scraps!

My garage door is off the kitchen. It has a large gaping crack that allows a cold draft to freeze my feet in the winter! Of course, the home store has better, more permanent solutions, but this was a chance to use up some vintage scraps!

To make

Measure the width of your door and add 5 inches. This is the length of your tube.


  • Tube front: Sew your scraps together and cutĀ  to measure 2 1/2 ” x your door length. I serged all my seams for durability. If you don’t have an Overlock Machine, you could top stitch each seam to insure the seams don’t separate with time. Make sure to iron each seam flat before cutting.
  • Tube back: 2 1/2″ x your door length

Sew right sides together of scrap front to back fabric on 3 sides, leaving oneĀ  small end of the tube open. Use 1/4″ seam allowance. Again, I serged the seams for durability. I’d hate to have beans leaking out through a ripped seam! Turn right-side out and iron side seams.

Stuff: My daughter had fun stuffing the tube with pinto beans.You could use rice too.

Whip stitch the end closed and stop that draft! Quick and easy!

Finished circumference is 4″.